Drama, darling, are we through?

Drama and me – we’ve been really close. We had an intimate relationship for so many years, and although I tried to leave Drama many times, I still keep getting pulled back. Our relationship feels warm, familiar, safe and predictable, … Continued

Conflict – is it always a bad thing?

Ok, so life is full of conflicts, and this is normal. We have an image in our mind about how something should be, how we expect it to be, wether it is a person, a behavior, a scene, an issue, … Continued

Peru and Leadership

10 Things I’ve Learned about Leadership from our Peruvian Tour Guide Peru is an amazingly diverse, charming and exciting country to visit, so we planned a family trip there this Summer, and our vacation turned out to be an all … Continued

2017, Shakespeare and Self-Awareness

It is already February 2nd, 2017, and this is my first post of the year, so Happy New Year to you! Maybe a little unconventional to start the New Year by basically skipping January,    but this year January for … Continued

Kind and generous??? Really?

“Science says lasting relationships come down to—you guessed it—kindness and generosity.” In our western societies we are very proud of our freedom to marry for love, not reason. However, our choice for a lifetime partner often proves to be misguided, … Continued

Post-holiday blues…

What the first workweek of the year brings and how I tend to deal with it The way my husband and I have developed our lifestyle over the past few years means, that we spend quite a bit of time separated … Continued